Oct 1 2019

Computational Materials Design in Additive Manufacturing

MIE Department Seminar

October 1, 2019

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


1043 ERF


Chicago, IL 60607

Computational Materials Design in Additive Manufacturing

Presenter: Hamid Garmestani, Professor, School of Material Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Abstract: In the current state of engineering, manufacturing process design is greatly hampered by the difficulty in predicting and controlling the microstructure of the part and the final property, largely due to the lack of fundamental understanding in the process mechanics and inverse methodologies to determine optimum process parameters. A design framework is developed with direct linkages between Process Path parameters and the final microstructures without resorting to experimentation or FEM and applied to Metal Additive manufacturing.  State of the art microstructural design and fabrication methodology is complemented with a multi-scale computational scheme to optimize structure-property relationship.  The design framework is based on a digital representation of the microstructure using n-point statistical correlation functions.  The framework provides a direct link between the resulting part’s microstructure, mechanical properties, residual stresses, porosity, and distortions.  By virtue of the availability of direct mathematical and analytical solutions, the relationships between process parameters and resulting part microstructure and properties will be analytically reversed to yield a non-iterative methodology for machining and additive manufacturing in Al7475 and Ti64 materials.

Presenter bio: Hamid Garmestani, faculty since 1991, is a professor of materials science and engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology and a fellow of the American Society of Materials (ASM International) and American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME). He has developed methodologies in microstructure sensitive design (MSD) framework that addresses an inverse methodology in various aspects of processing, structure-property relationships, simulation-based design of materials, and statistical continuum mechanics for homogenization primarily polycrystalline materials (AL, Mg, Ti and Steel) and other materials system (bio-materials, nano-composites, solar cell/fuel cell). Such techniques have recently been applied to develop processing path for many manufacturing processes including rolling, forging and heat treatment and more recently to machining and additive manufacturing specifically to Al, Ti and steel. He is a member of the texture, forming and composite committees of ASM and TMS. He was awarded “Superstar in Research” by FSU-CRC in year 2000. He is the associate editor of the Journal of Mechanics of Materials and has served as a member of the editorial boards of International Journal of Plasticity, Computers, Materials and Continua and Theoretical and Applied Multi-scale Modeling of Materials.

Host: Dr. Amin Salehi-Khojin


Amin Salehi-Khojin

Date posted

Sep 25, 2019

Date updated

Sep 25, 2019