Magnetic Field-Assisted Finishing
MIE Department Seminar
October 4, 2016
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Magnetic Field-Assisted Finishing
Hitomi Yamaguchi Greenslet , PhD.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida
Abstract: Some combinations of different phenomena result in unexpected but beneficial effects. For instance, the combination of magnetism with the action of abrasive against a workpiece gives rise to the magnetic field- assisted finishing (MAF) process. In a magnetic field, ferrous particles are suspended by magnetic force and link together along the lines of magnetic flux. Because the magnetic flux flows unimpeded through nonferrous workpiece material, it is possible to influence the motion of a ferrous particle—even if the particle is not in direct contact with a magnetic pole—by controlling the magnetic field. The ferrous particle chains, connected by magnetic force, offer the advantage of a flexible configuration. This unique behavior of the ferrous particles enables the application of the finishing operation not only to easily accessible surfaces but also to areas that are hard to reach by means of conventional mechanical techniques, such as freeform components and the interiors of capillary and flexible tubes.
This presentation describes the fusion of science and engineering that led to MAF and the underlying principles of the process that enables ultra-precision (nanometer-scale) finishing of both flat and curved surfaces. Finishing equipment for high-power laser ceramics and optical components (silicon, glass, quartz, sapphire, etc.) and the resulting finishing characteristics are introduced. Altering the surface texture in addition to the surface roughness enables additional functions (e.g., specific tribological properties) of the finished surfaces. An example of nanometer-scale surface functionalization using MAF is the case of cobalt-chromium knee prosthesis finishing.
Bio: Hitomi Yamaguchi Greenslet is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL). Previously, she served as associate professor at Utsunomiya University and research associate at the University of Tokyo (both in Japan) and as research engineer at Extrude Hone Corporation (Irwin, PA). She has also served as a researcher abroad (sponsored by the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) at the NASA Glenn Research Center (Cleveland, OH). Her research interests include nontraditional manufacturing (e.g., magnetic field-assisted finishing), ultra-precision finishing, surface functionalization, and medical device development. Her work has been published in over 75 refereed journal papers, and she has been granted 7 patents. She has received several awards, including the John T. Parsons Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award (sponsored by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)) in 2000 and the Outstanding Young Engineer Award (sponsored by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) in 1995. She is a fellow of both the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and SME, the secretary of a scientific technical committee of CIRP (the International Academy for Production Engineering) and the secretary of North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME.
Date posted
Oct 14, 2021
Date updated
Oct 14, 2021