Apr 27 2022

Nanoscale Interface with the Brain Using Light and Advanced Nanomaterials

MIE Faculty Candidate Seminar

April 27, 2022

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


1043 ERF and on Zoom at https://uic.zoom.us/j/89750677926?pwd=dktVNE9LWU9GdlhLemhLRjdkNEZ0Zz09


842 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60607

Presenter: Zhenpeng Qin, PhD, University of Texas at Dallas
Location: 1043 ERF and on Zoom.
Meeting ID: ID: 897 5067 7926
Passcode: pMbEd8re

Abstract: The brain is the most complex organ in the human body and brain diseases are highly challenging to diagnose, monitor and treat. Nanomaterials have emerged as a unique wireless interface with the brain in the micro/nanoscale. Here I will discuss our recent efforts on developing new tools using advanced nanomaterials and photonics to provide new understanding and access to the brain. These include exciting capabilities to remotely control protein activity, study neuromodulation, and change the blood-brain barrier permeability. These new tools provide insights for the brain microenvironment, and unique opportunity to develop strategies to treat brain diseases.

Speaker Bio: Zhenpeng Qin is an associate professor of mechanical engineering and bioengineering at the University of Texas at Dallas, a founding member of the Center for Advanced Pain Studies, and an adjunct faculty of surgery at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Qin lab focuses on developing new nanotechnologies to better understand and overcome barriers in the nervous system, and develop highly sensitive and multiplexed methods for infectious disease diagnostics. Qin has received numerous awards including 2022 ASME Y.C. Fung Early Career Award, NIH MIRA/R35 award for early-stage investigators for his pioneering work on the development of molecular hyperthermia to optically control protein activity, DOD/CDMRP Discovery Award, Collaborative Sciences Award from American Heart Association (AHA), CPRIT Individual Research Award, and Faculty Research Award from UT Dallas Jonsson School. His lab has received generous support from NSF, NIH, DOD/CDMRP, AHA, and CPRIT. He actively serves on review panels at NSF, NIH and DOD, and his research has been licensed into three startup companies.


Dr. Houshang Darabi

Date posted

Apr 4, 2022

Date updated

Apr 4, 2022