MEE alum gives back to international students

Hardik Miyani

Hardik Miyani earned several awards as a student in the energy engineering program. After graduating from UIC in 2018, he earned multiple national and international awards as a decarbonization project manager with Baumann Consulting, where he helps clients achieve their energy and sustainability goals through energy audits and retro-commissioning projects.

Miyani credits the UIC program as where he learned the relevant skill sets needed to succeed in industry.

“The curriculum for the energy engineering program has helped me in my professional world,” he said. “All the courses that I took and every concept that I learned during my master’s program,  I’m using in the industry right now.”

He also achieved this success with the help of a mentor who was there to answer questions, guide him, and allow him to focus on his education. Miyani always had a mentor in his life, and when he arrived in the U.S. from India in 2017, he found a support system outside of UIC at the Harisumiran Hindu Temple in Long Grove, Illinois.

“This is something that has helped me in my career,” Miyani said. “I did not know anyone in the United States and had to completely start from scratch. I was looking for some sort of guidance, and that is when this nonprofit organization reached out to me and shared all their experience with me.”

As someone who benefited from having a mentor, Miyani is now happily volunteering with the temple to help students after they move to the U.S. and provide the same support and guidance he received.

The help comes in a variety of forms at seminars every Friday. Mentees can get help with something as simple as finding accommodations, figuring out courses to take, or something more in-depth, such as enhancing their abilities in public speaking, building leadership skills, honing time management, resume reviewing, and interview preparation.

“These skill sets usually help in the long term when they enter the professional world,” Miyani said. “We also help them connect with the people in the industry. I have built excellent industry connections by attending networking events. If any youths are looking for jobs, I try to help them connect with these people and see if there is any opening or if they can provide a referral.”

Miyani sees his efforts as a way to bridge the gap between students and professional industries. By sharing the knowledge he has gained, he knows he can make life a little easier for the students.

“I don’t want the future generation to go through the struggles that I’ve faced during my student life,” he said. “I’m trying my best to guide them, prepare for the future, and help them achieve their goals in life.”

Awards Hardik Miyani has received

  1. 2018 International District Energy Association (IDEA) John Gray Award.
  2. 2018 Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) & Straubel Foundation Clean Energy Leadership Award.
  3. 2018 ASHRAE Illinois Chapter Scholarship.
  4. 2019 47th Annual UIC Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Award.
  5. 2020 Illinois Green Alliance’s Outstanding Volunteer Award
  6. 2021 ComEd Energy Efficiency Service Provider Rookie of the Year
  7. 2022 Greenbiz 30 under 30 in Energy and Sustainability Industry
  8. 2024 AEE Midwest US Region Young Energy Professional of the Year