Order of Engineer Ring ceremony set for Dec. 8

The Order of Engineer Ring Ceremony will be held on Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022, at noon on Zoom and an on-campus location to be announced soon.
Registration is required, and the deadline is Friday, Nov. 18.
All UIC engineering undergraduate and graduate students who have recently graduated or will graduate in fall 2022, and all engineering faculty are encouraged to participate.
The ceremony is a one-time event, and it takes about 45 minutes. This is separate from graduation and an optional event. This is a public ceremony where engineers formally accept the obligation of an engineer, a pledge to uphold the standards of the engineering profession. Engineers receive a stainless-steel ring, worn on your pinkie finger, to show off their pride and responsibility to the profession. You must attend the Ring Ceremony to wear the ring. More information is available at https://order-of-the-engineer.org/.
The cost is $13 for the ring and a certificate.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jamie Szwalek at jszwalek@uic.edu or in Room 3047 ERF.