Sushant Anand
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Building & Room:
2025 ERF
842 West Taylor Street, MC 251, Chicago, IL 60607
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Research Interests:
- Understanding Fluid-Solid and Fluid-Fluid interactions in single or multiphase systems especially phase change processes
- Complex fluids
- Porous media transport for applications in water harvesting
- Energy efficient thermal systems
- Anti-icing
- HVAC and refrigeration
- Oil recovery
- Carbon capture
- Drug delivery
Selected Publications
- Ramchandra, N.; Anand, S.; Rykaczewski, K.; Médici, M.G.; González-Viñas, W; Varanasi, K. K. and Beysens, D. (2015) “Inverted Leidenfrost like effect during condensation“,
- Anand, S.; Rykaczewski, K.; Subramanyam, S.B.; Beysens, D. and Varanasi, K. K. (2015) “How droplets nucleate and grow on liquids and liquid impregnated surfaces“, Soft Matter, 11 (1), 69-80 (‡corresponding author). Also selected as Back Cover and ranked among 2015’s most accessed Soft Matter articles.
- Rykaczewski, K.; Paxson, A.; Staymates, M.; Walker, M.L.; Sun, X.; Anand, S.; Srinivasan, S.; McKinley, G.H.; Chinn, J.; Scott, J.H.J. and Varanasi, K. K. (2014) “Dropwise Condensation of Low Surface Tension Fluids on Omniphobic Surfaces”, Scientific Reports, 4.
- Lalia, B. S.*; Anand, S*.; Varanasi, K. K.; Hashaikeh, R., (2013) “Fog-Harvesting Potential of Lubricant-Impregnated Electrospun Nanomats”. Langmuir, 29, (42), 13081-13088. (*Equal Contribution)
- Rykaczewski, K.; Anand, S.; Subramanyam, S.B.; and Varanasi, K. K. (2013) “Mechanism of Frost Formation on Lubricant-Impregnated Surfaces“, Langmuir, 29(17): 5230-5238
- Smith, D.; Dhiman, R.; Anand, S.; Guarduno, E.; McKinley, G.; Cohen, R. E.; and Varanasi, K. K. (2013) “Droplet mobility on lubricant-impregnated surfaces“, Soft Matter, 9(6): p. 1772-1780. Also selected as Front Cover of the Journal and among ‘Most Accessed Articles’ for 2013.
- Rykaczewski, K.; Paxson, A.; Anand, S.; Chen, X.; Wang, Z. and Varanasi, K. K. (2012) “Multimode Multidrop Coalescence Effects during Condensation on Hierarchical Superhydrophobic Surfaces“, Langmuir, 29(3): 881-891
- Anand, S.; Paxson, A.; Dhiman, R.; Smith, J.D. and Varanasi, K. K. (2012) “Enhanced condensation on liquid impregnated nanotextured surfaces” ACS Nano, 6 (11), 10122-10129. Also covered in MIT News, Phys.org, Nanoweek, Popular Science, Economist
- Anand, S.; et al. (2011). “Distribution of Vapor Inside a Cylindrical Minichannel With Evaporative Walls and Its Effect on Droplet Growth by Heterogeneous Nucleation“, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 3 (1): 011008-011010
- Anand, S. and Son, S. Y. (2010). “Sub-Micrometer Dropwise Condensation under Superheated and Rarefied Vapor Condition“, Langmuir, 26 (22), 17100-17110.
Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering
University of Cincinnati, Ohio, 2011
M.S., Thermal, Energy and Environmental Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 2005
B.S., Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India 2005