Erica Jung, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Building & Room:
2043 ERF
842 West Taylor Street, MC 251, Chicago, IL 60607
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Research Interests:
- Neuroimaging
- Biofluidics
- Microsystems
- Small animal models
Dr. Jung’s research interests are in the development of systems and methods to investigate physical properties of small organisms (e.g. zebrafish larvae) to solve problems in biology and medicine. Dr. Jung is particularly interested in applying micro- and nanotechnologies to address questions in neuroscience.
Selected Publications
- Piatkevich, K. D., Bensussen, S., Tseng, H., Shroff, S., Lopez-Huerta, V., Park, D., Jung, E. E., Shemesh, O., Straub, C., Gritton, H., Romano, M., Costa, E., Sabatini, B., Fu, Z., Han, X., Boyden, E. S., (2019), Population imaging of neural activity in awake behaving mice in multiple brain regions, Nature, accepted.
- Piatkevich, K. D.*, Jung, E. E.*, Straub, C., Linghu, C., Park, D., Suk, H. J., Hochbaum, D. R., Goodwin, D., Pnevmatikakis, E., Pak, N., Kawashima, T., Yang, C. T., Rhoades, J. L., Shemesh, O., Asano, S., Yoon, Y.G., Freifeld, L., Saulnier, J. L., Riegler, C., Engert, F., Hughes, T., Drobizhev, M., Szabo, B., Ahrens, M. B., Flavell, S. W., Sabatini, B. L., Boyden, E. S., A robotic multidimensional directed evolution of proteins: development and application to fluorescent voltage reporters, Nature Chemical Biology, 352–360 (2018), *equal contribution.
- Chang, JB, Chen, F., Yoon YG, Jung, E.E., Babcock, H., Kang, JS, Asano, S., Suk H., Pak, N., Tillberg, P.W., Wassie A., Cai, D., Boyden, E.S. Iterative expansion microscopy, Nature Methods, 14:593-599, (2017).
- Barykina NV, Subach OM, Piatkevich KD, Jung E.E., Malyshev AY, et al. Green fluorescent genetically encoded calcium indicator based on calmodulin/M13-peptide from fungi. PLOS ONE 12(8), (2017)
Notable Honors
2019, NARSAD Young Investigator, Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
Postdoc, Neuroscience
MIT Media Lab, 2018
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering
Cornell University, 2013