Hyungil Kim
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Building & Room:
2045 ERF
842 West Taylor Street, Chicago, IL 60607
Office Phone:
Research: Future of Work, Extended Reality, Human-Machine Teaming, Human Factors Engineering
Dr. Kim has more than 10 years of research experience in human-centered design and engineering from both academia and industry. He is leading the Human-Centered Engineering lab to facilitate human-technology partnerships at future workplaces. His team (1) explores new methods to better understand how human body and mind work and (2) transforms the knowledge into the design of human-centered intelligent systems such as extended reality for future of work and intelligent systems for future transportation. He has served as PI or Co-PI of more than 10 research projects and published more than 30 papers in top-tier journals and conferences such as Human Factors, IEEE Virtual Reality, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ACM Automotive User Interfaces, and ACM Intelligent User Interfaces.
- IE/ME 569 Virtual & Augmented Reality for Industrial Applications
- IE 441 Ergonomics & Human Factors - Designing for People
Professional History:
- Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Chicago, 2024-
- Assistant Professor, Oakland University, 2020-2023
- Senior Research Associate, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, 2018-2020
- Vehicle Safety Engineer, General Motors, 2006-2012
- Research Engineer, LG Electronics Productivity Research Institute, 2001-2006
Selected Publications
- Effects of Self-Learning and Exploration for XR-based Interactions. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 1215-1220). Ghasemi, Y., Chattopadhyay, D., Jeong, H., Kim, H., & Huang, J. (2024).
- External Human-Machine Interface for Robotaxis. In 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (pp. 257-258). IEEE. Albawaneh, A., Nugent, B., Mayangamutse, P., Veeramachaneni, A., & Kim, H. (2024).
- Augmented Reality User Manual for Assembly Tasks. In 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (pp. 284-290). IEEE. Murthy, S. V., Simoski, A., Rawashdeh, S., & Kim, H. (2024).
- Augmented Reality Order Picking Aid for Foreign Workers in Warehouses. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 1508-1509). Albawaneh, A., Murthy, S., Singla, G., Wu, J. & Kim, H. (2023).
- Guiding Driver Responses During Manual Takeovers from Automated Vehicles (No. VTTI-00-026). Safety through Disruption (Safe-D) University Transportation Center (UTC). Greatbatch, R. L., Dunn, N. J., Kim, H., & Krasner, A. (2023).
- Assessing Distraction Potential of Augmented Reality Head-up Displays for Vehicle Drivers. Human Factors, 64(5), 852-865. Kim, H., & Gabbard, J. L. (2022).
- Road User Attitudes Toward Automated Shuttle Operation: Pre and Post-Deployment Surveys. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 315-319). Kim, H., & Doerzaph, Z. (2022).
- Is Driving Automation Used as Intended? Real-world Use of Partially Automated Driving Systems and their Safety Consequences. Transportation Research Record, 2676(1), 30-37. Kim, H., Song, M., & Doerzaph, Z. (2022).
- Toward Real-Time Estimation of Driver Situation Awareness: An Eye-tracking Approach based on Moving Objects of Interest. In 2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) (pp. 1035-1041). IEEE. Kim, H., Martin, S., Tawari, A., Misu, T., & Gabbard, J. L. (2020).
- Investigating the Effect of Urgency and Modality of Pedestrian Alert Warnings on Driver Acceptance and Performance. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 60, 11-24. Large, D. R., Kim, H., Merenda, C., Leong, S., Harvey, C., Burnett, G., & Gabbard, J. L. (2019).
- AR DriveSim: An Immersive Driving Simulator for Augmented Reality Head-up Display Research. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6, 98. Gabbard, J. L., Smith, M., Tanous, K., Kim, H., & Jonas, B. (2019).
- Effects of Volumetric Augmented Reality Displays on Human Depth Judgments. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI), 11(2), 1-18. Lisle, L., Merenda, C., Tanous, K., Kim, H., Gabbard, J. L., & Bowman, D. A. (2019).
- Driver Behavior and Performance with Augmented Reality Pedestrian Collision Warning: An Outdoor User Study. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(4), 1515-1524, Kim, H., Gabbard, J. L., Anon, A. M., & Misu, T. (2018). Presented at the IEEE VR 2018
- Augmented Reality Interface Design Approaches for Goal-directed and Stimulus-driven Driving Tasks. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(11), 2875-2885, Presented at the IEEE ISMAR 2018, Merenda, C., Kim, H., Tanous, K., Gabbard, J. L., Feichtl, B., Misu, T. & Suga, C. (2018). Best Paper Award Honorable Mention
Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2017
Graduate Certificate, Human-Computer Interaction, Virginia Tech
M.S. & B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Korea University