Myunghee Kim, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
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Research Interests: Dr. Kim’s primary focus is the development of assistive robotic devices for improving mobility and quality of life through integrative approaches of numerical dynamic models, machine learning techniques, experimental testbeds, and controlled human-subject experiments. At present, she works on developing assistance methods to enhance balance and walking economy using wearable devices (e.g., exoskeletons and prostheses). As a part of this effort, she is also interested in using those devices to understand further impaired gait and advance training methods of motor function. In line with this research, Dr. Kim also explores the control of autonomous devices (e.g., legged robots).
Selected Publications
Selected journal articles
- Kantharaju, P., Vakacherla, S., Jacobson, M., Jeong, H., Mevada, M., Zhou, X., Major, M., Kim, M.* (2023). Framework for personalizing wearable devices using real-time physiological measures, IEEE ACCESS, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3299873.
- Lee, J., Miri, S., Bayro, A., Jeong, H., Kim, M., Yeo., W, (2024) Biosignal-Integrated Robotic Systems with Emerging Trends in Visual Interfaces: A Systematic Review, Biophysics Reviews, 5(1).
- Sanz-Pena, I. †, Jeong, H. †, Kim, M.* (2023). Personalized Wearable Ankle Robot using Modular Additive Manufacturing Design, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L).
- Jeong, H., Haghighat, P., Kantharaju, P., Jacobson, M., Jeong, H., & Kim, M.* (2023). Muscle coordination and recruitment during squat assistance using a robotic ankle–foot exoskeleton. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1363.
- Kim, J.†, Kantharaju, P.†, Yi, H., Jacobson, M., Jeong, H., Kim, H., Lee, J.,Matthews, J., Zavanelli, N., Kim, M.* & Yeo, W. H.* (2023). Soft wearable flexible bioelectronics integrated with an ankle-foot exoskeleton for estimation of metabolic costs and physical effort. npj Flexible Electronics, 7(1), 3.
- Vakacherla, S. S., Kantharaju, P., Mevada, M., & Kim, M.* (2023). Single Accelerometer to Recognize Human Activities Using Neural Networks. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 145(6), 061005.
- Kantharaju, P., Jeong, H., Ramadurai, S., Jacobson, M., Jeong, H., & Kim, M.* (2022). Reducing squat physical effort using personalized assistance from an ankle exoskeleton. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 30, 1786-1795.
- Kantharaju, P., & Kim, M.* (2022). Phase-Plane Based Model-Free Estimation of Steady-State Metabolic Cost. IEEE Access, 10, 97642-97650.
- Jacobson, M., Kantharaju, P., Jeong, H., Ryu, J. K., Park, J. J., Chung, H. J., & Kim, M.* (2022). Foot contact forces can be used to personalize a wearable robot during human walking. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 10947.
- Kim, M.*, Jeong, H., Kantharaju, P., Yoo, D., Jacobson, M., Shin, D., Han, C., & Patton, J. L. (2022). Visual guidance can help with the use of a robotic exoskeleton during human walking. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 3881.
- Ding, Y.†, Kim, M.†, Kuindersma, S., & Walsh, C. J. (2018). Human-in-the-loop optimization of hip assistance with a soft exosuit during walking. Science Robotics, 3(15), eaar5438. († equal contributor).
- Kim, M., Chen, T., Chen, T., & Collins, S. H. (2018). An ankle–foot prosthesis emulator with control of plantarflexion and inversion–eversion torque. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 34(5), 1183-1194.
- Kim, M.†*, Ding, Y.†, Malcolm, P., Speeckaert, J., Siviy, C. J., Walsh, C. J., & Kuindersma, S. (2017). Human-in-the-loop Bayesian optimization of wearable device parameters. PloS one, 12(9), e0184054.
- Kim, M., & Collins, S. H. (2017). Once-per-step control of ankle push-off work improves balance in a three-dimensional simulation of bipedal walking. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 33(2), 406-418.
- Kim, M., & Collins, S. H. (2015). Once-per-step control of ankle-foot prosthesis push-off work reduces effort associated with balance during walking. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 12, 1-13.
For all publications, please visit Google Scholar
Selected peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Ramadurai, S., Jacobson, M., Kantharaju, P, Jeong, H., Jeong, H., & Kim, M. (2022). Evaluation of Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Improving Balance during Squatting Exercise using Center of Pressure Metrics. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 66(1), SAGE Publications.
- Wen, M. S. Jacobson, X. Zhou, C. Jeong, M. Kim, The personalization of stiffness for an ankle-foot prosthesis emulator using Human-in-the-loop optimization, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Virtual conference, 2020.
- M. Kim†, C. Liu†, J. Kim, S. Lee, A. Meguid, C. J. Walsh, and S. Kuindersma, Bayesian optimization of soft exosuits using a metabolic estimator stopping process, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2019 († equal contributor).
- M. Kim, D. Ye, C. Liu, J. Kim, S. Lee, N. Karavas, C. Walsh, and S. Kuindersma. “Human-in-the-Loop Bayesian Optimization of a Tethered Soft Exosuit for Assisting Hip Extension.” In International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, 142-146. Springer, Cham, 2018.
- S. H. Collins†, M. Kim†, T. Chen, T. Chen, An ankle-foot prosthesis emulator with control of plantar flexion and inversion-eversion torque. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 6 pages, 2015 († equal contributor), * Best Medical Robotics Paper Award, ICRA 2015.
Notable Honors
2024, NSF CAREER Award, NSF
2023, The 2023 Advising Award, UIC College of Engineering
2022, The 2022 Teaching Award, UIC College of Engineering
2015, Best Paper Award in Medical Robotics, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering,
Carnegie Mellon University, 2015
M.S., Mechanical Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006
M.S., Mechanical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2004
B.S., Mechanical Engineering
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, 2002
Selected Presentations
- Human-wearable robot co-adaptation, Keynote, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2024), May 2024 (Scheduled).
- Human-wearable robot co-adaptation, Biomedical Engineering Department seminar, University of Illinois, Chicago, September 15, 2023
- Utilization of biosignals for wearable healthcare systems, RENEW workshop, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea, September 22, 2023.
- Human-wearable robot co-adaptation, Mechanical Engineering Department seminar, University of Alabama, November 15, 2022.
- Human-wearable robot co-adaptation, Keynote, Ubiquitous Robotics, July 4, 2022.
Intellectual Property
- Ding, G. Ignacio, J. Kim, M. Kim, S. Kuindersma, S. Lee, K. O’Donnell, C. Siviy, C. Walsh, Controls Optimization for Wearable Systems, US11498203B2, filed September 3, 2020, granted November 15, 2022.
- Caputo, S.H. Collins, P. Adamczyk, M. Kim, T. Chen, T. Chen, Methods, apparatuses and systems for amputee gait capacity assessment, US 10350092 B1, filed 2016, granted 2019.
- Caputo, S.H. Collins, M. Kim, T. Chen, P. Adamczyk, V. Chiu, Apparatuses, and systems for amputee gait capacity assessment, US 10537283 B1, filed 2016, granted 2020.
- Kim, K. Roh, S. Lim, B. Lim, G. Xu, Method and apparatus to plan motion path of robot, US9411335 B2, US 20110035087 A1, filed 2010, issued 2016.
- Kim, K. Roh, Y. Shim, S. Lim, Robot and control method thereof, US9193072 B2, US20120072022 A1, filed 2011, issued 2015.
- Kim, K. Roh, S. Lim, B. Lim, G. Xu, Path planning apparatus and method for robot, US9044862 B2, US20110035051 A1, filed 2010, issued 2015.
- Kim, S. Lim, K. Roh, Y. Shim, Robot and control method thereof, US9014854 B2, US20120078419 A1, filed 2011, issued 2015.
- Kim, K. Roh, Y. Shim, Apparatus for planning path of robot and method thereof, US8924016 B2, US20120165982 A1, filed 2011, issued 2014.
- Kim, S. Lim, K. Roh, Y. Shim, Robot and control method thereof, US8855814 B2, US20120173019 A1, filed 2011, issued 2014.
- Kim, K. Roh, S. Lim, B. Lim, G. Xu, Method and apparatus to plan motion path of robot, US8825209 B2, US 20110035050 A1, filed 2010, issued 2014.
- Kim, B. Lim, S. Lim, K. Roh, Path planning apparatus of robot and method and computer-readable medium thereof, US8818555 B2, US20110106307 A1, filed 2010, issued 2014.
- Kim, S. Lim, K. Roh, B. Lim, Path planning apparatus of robot and method and computer-readable medium thereof, US8483874 B2, US20110106306 A1, filed 2010, issued 2013.
- Lim, M. Kim, K. Roh, Y. Shim, B. Lim, Robot and control method thereof, US8768512 B2, US20120165979 A1, filed 2011, issued 2014.
- Lim, K. Roh, S. Lim, M. Kim, Robot and control method of optimizing robot motion performance thereof, US9037292 B2, US20110106303 A1, filed 2010, issued 2015.
- Lim, K. Roh, S. Lim, M. Kim, G. Xu, Apparatus and method for stabilizing humanoid robot, US8798793 B2, US20110040407 A1, filed 2010, issued 2014.
- Guo, K. Roh, S. Lim, B. Lim, M. Kim, Path planning apparatus and method of Robot, US8352074 B2, US20110035053 A1, filed 2010, issued 2013.